Mindy Holland
It is a joy to serve with and among the talented, servant-hearted, and faithful students of Lutheran Campus Ministry at the University of Delaware! This is a thriving ministry, with many opportunities for discipleship, leadership, fellowship, and service in Christ’s name.
I serve as a Minister of Word and Service in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and feel most at home at the intersection of faith and education. I grew up in Shoreline, Washington, just north of Seattle, and was blessed to have parents who raised me to know Jesus and to love learning. After undergraduate and graduate studies at Willamette University (Salem, Oregon), I studied at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg (Pennsylvania) and at George Fox Evangelical Seminary (Portland, Oregon) for my ministry training. After an internship with Lutheran Campus Ministry at Penn State (2000-2001), I served as the Lutheran/Episcopal Campus Minster at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater (2001-2004.) I also worked for a number of years as the Coordinator of Candidacy for those discerning a call to ministry in the Oregon Synod; have offered prayerful guidance as a spiritual director; and have provided administrative and student services support for the online learning program of George Fox Evangelical Seminary.
The Lord has filled my heart with a love for prayer, engaging in deep conversations, sharing hospitality, building community, and walking with others midst seasons of discernment. I delight in exploring Scripture in community and in hearing how Jesus is at work in others’ lives and experiences. I also love good questions! Timely and invitational questions often provide the keys to deepening relationships, as well as to growing in faith, risk-taking, and grace-filled living. I see them as a favorite tool of the Holy Spirit.
My personal hobbies include ballroom dancing, reading, long walks and talks with friends, and travel. I have been blessed to visit Canada, France (junior year abroad), Denmark, Scotland, Greece, and Turkey, as well as more than 40 states. I love to write and have kept a journal since my early days in college. I published my first novel, Wind-Borne Sister, which reflects both my Christian faith and my love of adventure, in 2015: http://wipfandstock.com/wind-borne-sister.html.
I look forward to meeting you and hearing your story. I wish you God’s blessings and much joy!